Planning and zoning provide many important lot and development functions.

Planning and zoning provide many important lot and development functions.

Building and Planning

The Building Inspection Services Board (BISB) is responsible for all building matters within the Town of Deseronto. BISB governs building permit/standards matters in the communities of Deseronto, Stirling-Rawdon, Tweed, Tyendinaga, and Madoc Townships. The Hastings County Planning Department provides advice to the Town on all aspects of land development and is responsible for processing applications for land transactions that require consent/land severance or plan of subdivision/condominium approval.

Please contact the Clerk to initiate planning & development inquiries. The Town of Deseronto coordinates all necessary planning & development inquiries with the County of Hastings Planning Department.


Applications and Forms


BizPaL - Business Permit and Licence Service - open webpage
Building Department Information Brochure - - open pdf
Building Permit Application Guide - open pdf
Building, Plumbing and Sewage System Permit-Fee By-Law 10-15 - open pdf
Quinte Conservation Planning Information and Fees 2021 - open pdf
Swimming Pool Fence By-law - open pdf
Water Use By-Law 3-96 - Schedule A - open pdf

Building Contacts

Building Department/BISC Office
Richard Cook, Chief Building Official

Building Official Hours:
Tuesdays: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Thursdays: 9:00am – 11:00am

Building Inspection Hours:
Monday & Friday afternoons (by appointment)
To schedule, inspections call: 613-395-5166 or 1-866-414-0088

Hastings County Planning Department
Gib Garret
613-966-6712 X: 4006 

Frequently Asked Building Questions

Building Permits

What is a building permit?
What projects require a building permit? 
What is the process for a building permit?
What happens during construction?
What about demolition?
What if you want to change a building’s use?
What happens if you contravene the Building Code Act, 1992?
What other building approvals may be required? 

Rezoning & Zoning By-Laws

What is a committee of adjustment?
What is a zoning by-law amendment? 
How is a zoning by-law passed?
How are zoning by-laws evaluated?
What rights of rezoning appeal do you have?
What if you only need a minor change (minor variance)?
What other types of zoning by-laws are there?
What are site plan control by-laws? 

Consent Applications

What is consent & when is it required?
What is the process for consent?
How is a severance application evaluated?
What about conditions of severance approval?
Provide consent application feedback?
What rights of severance decision appeal do you have? 


What is a subdivision?
Who is the approval authority for plans of subdivision?
What is a registered plan of subdivision?
What is the process for subdividing?
How are applications for subdivision evaluated?
What is a draft approval?
How can you get involved in the subdivision process?
What rights of appeal do you have?
When can a subdivision be registered?
When must services be provided?
Are condominiums a form of subdivision? 

Ontario Municipal Board

What are the powers of the Ontario Municipal Board and Local Appeal Body?