Canada Day Celebrations A Big Hit In Deseronto

The event included banners, flags, face painting a magician, a BBQ, cake and treats, for kids of all ages.

The afternoon was kicked off with a respectful acknowledgment to our wonderful Country, with a flag raising and colour guard salute by members of the Deseronto Legion Branch 280. The Town thanks the Branch for their support and their honourable salute during the raising.

The flag was raised by our Mayor Dan Johnston, and O Canada was sung by Chantel Johnston who did a great job with her heartfelt rendition of our National Anthem.

Mayor Johnston then provided inspiring words about our community, the residents and the beauty of the town. He thanked his fellow councillors for attending and he mentioned that he looks forward to more community events such as this.  The mayor hopes that it will make the residents as proud of the Town as the people that work and volunteer their time to local causes and local government. The Mayor also read remarks from MP Mike Bossio congratulating all Canadians on the celebration of our country.

At 5:15pm the fun activities started for the kids, Randy the Magicman held kids and parents spellbound with magic to amaze, the balloon artist and face painting went from 5-7, non-stop. We thank Randy and his performers for a great job. If you liked Randy on Canada Day, you can see him again at the Deseronto Library July 31!

What a great day! Cooling breezes off the water, 100’s of people, all this entertainment AND a BBQ! The Pentecostal Church cooked up 100’s of hot dogs, with all the fixings, water and kind smiles! We thank the BBQ volunteers and Pastor Dan for this generous donation from the Church making our Canada Day event special.

At around 6:30 “Pickett Fences”, a well known band and regional favourite, kicked off the musical entertainment. Balloons, magician, face painting, 100’s of people AND music! What a party “Pickett Fences” were great and we thank them for music that was family friendly and enjoyed by all!

They played until dusk, at which time the Deseronto Fire Department went into action. The fireworks ran from about 9:40 to 10:20 with hundreds of additional people showing up from all over the region. We are glad everyone enjoyed themselves and had a great time!

In closing we encourage you to follow all of our events at or on our Facebook page. We will be posting advance information about events and news you’ll want to know in both places. We want to sum up by thanking the Staff of the Town who did a great job getting the park ready, and to the Waterfront Market for suppling our Canada Day cake. Thanks Mayor Johnston and Council who helped with set-up and clean up volunteering  their time to transport chairs tables and booths.

Hope to see you July 1, 2020 – Centennial Park “On the Waters Edge”!