June 26, 2020 - Shoreline Conditions Statement issued for Lake Ontario and The Bay of Quinte

June 26, 2020


Quinte Conservation has downgraded the Flood Watch issued on May 15th for Lake Ontario and The Bay of Quinte to a Shoreline Conditions Statement.

Quinte Conservation uses lake elevation measurements of 75.3 m to determine a general flood line above which some properties will begin to be affected by water over the bank of the shoreline. As the lake level is now below this elevation and is not expected to rise above it this year, a Shoreline Conditions Statement has been issued.

Lake Ontario’s water level continues to decline and was recorded at 75.25 m yesterday. This level is 19 cm above average and 65 cm below the recorded average set this time in 2019. Water Levels are expected to continue to slowly decline over the coming weeks and months.

Residents are reminded to take precautions along shorelines as unstable/unsafe banks may exist due to recent erosion and wave action. Flood induced floating debris may cause issues for boaters. Those with properties in low-lying or flood prone areas should continue to monitor forecasts for storms and high winds. For information on flooding or for resources on Lake Ontario water levels, visit QuinteConservation.ca.

Staff will continue to monitor conditions and will provide an update if forecasts and conditions change.

A SHORELINE CONDITIONS STATEMENT: a FLOOD OUTLOOK STATEMENT gives early notice of the potential for flooding on the Great Lakes based on weather and lake conditions and water safety information.

This message will be in effect until (or updated before) August 28, 2020

Quinte Conservation is a community-based environmental protection agency. It serves 18 municipalities in the watersheds of the Moira, Napanee and Salmon Rivers and Prince Edward County. It provides cost-effective environmental expertise and leadership. Quinte Conservation’s main goal is to create a sustainable ecosystem where people and nature live in harmony. More information about Quinte Conservation is available at www.quinteconservation.ca.


For more information contact:
Christine McClure, Water Resources Manager
(613) 968-3434 ext. 130 OR (613) 354-3312 ext. 130