Family Day 2021 Notice

This year, due to the COVID-19 lockdowns and other related restrictions on gatherings, the Town of Deseronto is not planning any in-person activities for Family Day, Monday, February 15th, 2021.

We are planning on getting the community engaged in family events that you can participate in on your own initiative, on Monday, February 15, 2021.

Participate in your own distanced family activity this Family Day.

Great Backyard Bird Count

COVID Statement: Watching birds is a safe and enjoyable activity we can do during the Covid pandemic. For the 2021 Great Backyard Bird Count, we strongly urge participants to comply with all current country, province, state, or municipal Covid-19 regulations and guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to, social distancing while birdwatching and wearing a mask when birding with others. Thank you for protecting yourself and your community while celebrating the wonders of birds.

Birds are everywhere, all the time, doing fascinating things. Join us, February 12–15, 2021, when the world comes together for the love of birds.

How to Participate

Be a Part of a Global Event

Watch observation lists roll in from around the world. Each submitted checklist becomes a glowing light on our bird sightings map.

Watch the Live Map

Great Backyard Bird Count results from 2020:

  • 268,674 Estimated Participants

  • 27,270,156 Total Birds Counted

  • 6,942 Species of Birds Identified

  • 194 Countries

Mourning Dove by Ostdrossel/Project FeederWatch.

Share Your Birds with Us

The Great Backyard Bird Count uses eBird, one of the world’s largest nature databases. It stores more than 100 million bird sightings contributed each year and is used by professionals for science and conservation. Contribute to eBird and become a citizen scientist.

New to the Great Backyard Bird Count or to using eBird? Explore our How to Participate on options for entering your bird lists.

Enter Your Bird List Into eBird