Emergency Preparedness: Be Ready for Anything

Emergency Preparedness: Be Ready for Anything

Thank you to everyone for following along this week as we posted resources and tips to help you and your family prepare for emergencies. This will be the final post in the series for Emergency Preparedness Week.

Flooding is the most common natural emergency that our community faces.  Sometimes, like in the spring of 2018 flooding can occur with little to no warning.  During the flash flood event in 2018 many residents were inconvenienced and experienced considerable damage to their homes as water overwhelmed nearby creeks and rivers causing substantial flooding throughout the Town.

Quinte Conservation is the lead organization in our area that is responsible for monitoring and issuing flood warning to protect life an minimize property damage.  When there is a potential for flooding in the Quinte and Napanee River watershed area, Quinte Conservation will issue flood warnings on their website as well as local media. 

The Government of Canada has information on flooding in the Get Prepared section of their website in addition to a booklet on flooding prevention that can be downloaded here.

COVID-19 has changed the way communities can work together to fight the effects of flooding.  Please keep this in mind this year as you develop your emergency plan to mitigate flooding.  Should you be forced to vacate your property during a flood have a plan in place to relocate during the emergency should the need arise.