Business Community

Hastings County Economic Development & Tourism Launches Vacant Storefront Campaign in Deseronto

Deseronto Council and staff would like to thank the Hastings County Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee, which has launched their vacant storefront campaign, with two locations in our downtown.  The locations are “Octopus Books” in the former Dollar Store and “The Black Cat Café” in the former Dixie Lee/grocery store.

The goal is to inspire entrepreneurs to invest and open businesses in downtown cores by providing a window to what could be in each location.  In creating the concept and design for the vacant storefront campaign, the Hastings County Economic Development & Tourism team worked with a local and award-winning illustrator to create the illustrations used for the storefronts, based on businesses that could be a good potential fit in each downtown. 

The campaign is also designed to make it easy for entrepreneurs and potential business investors to gain information on the available storefronts, be connected with the property owners or managers, and receive free and confidential business coaching from the Hastings County Small Business Coordinator if required. The campaign also features a digital component to attract potential entrepreneurs and investors locally and regionally and could be expanded to accommodate more vacant storefronts in the future.

Legal Needs for a Small Business Workshop - May 19

Wed, May 19, 2021 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

What are your legal needs for your business in the Bay of Quinte area? 

Topics discussed

  • Why, how and when to incorporate

  • Differences between a sole proprietorship and a corporation

  • Issues tenants encounter in commercial leases

  • Open floor for questions and answers

Presented by: Mark Noble B.A.(Hons.), J.D. Partner  

RTO 9 - COVID-19 Tourism Adaptation Fund

rto9 header a man and a woman having a coffee in a coffee shop

RTO 9 is pleased to receive funding from the Federal Government - COVID 19 Tourism Adaptation Fund. RTO 9 will administer the funding and distribute it to tourism-related businesses located within Leeds & Grenville, Frontenac County, and Hastings County. Please note that not all communities are eligible. See maps in the application.

Application intake will be open from January 6, 2021, to February 15, 2021- at 4:00 pm. This is a non-repayable grant of between $1,500.00 - $20,000.00 maximum, applicants need to have a matching cash contribution of 20%. The grant will cover 80% excluding HST. This is a first come first serve program, you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

Eligible costs include:

•             Health and safety protocol could be signage, virtual queue, plexiglass partitions, etc. Anything that would help the business apply local/provincial health guidelines

•             Alterations to accommodate social distancing including the expansion of patio space for restaurants (including tables, chairs, umbrellas) and/or acquisition of equipment like outdoor heaters to extend seasons

•             The purchase of large-scale PPE or sanitizing equipment (fog machines etc.)

•             Cleaning supplies for workers/customers

•             The acquisition and implementation of digital tools and operating transformations like a virtual queue, timed entry ticketing or contactless check-ins, contactless payment upgrades

•             Eligible tourism businesses are:

Tourism Operators as defined by and according to Tourism HR Canada include Accommodation (hotels, motels, resorts, campgrounds, and recreational vehicle facilities), Recreation and Entertainment (zoos, museums, theatres, sports facilities, amusement parks, government parks, heritage sites, hunting, fishing or outdoor adventure outfitters, and casinos), Food and beverage services (restaurants from fast service to fine dining, as well as pubs, nightclubs, cruise ships, and convention centers); Travel services (retail travel agencies, wholesale tour companies, or corporate offices with their own booking divisions) and Transportation (companies that provide transport by air, land or water, and include airlines, bus companies, taxi companies, ferry services, and cruise ships). Retail stores heavily dependent on tourism may also be considered.

Please direct any questions regarding RTO 9 to the Executive Director, Bonnie Ruddock at

Apply today here

BizQuest Quinte Video Contest Announced!

Attention locally-owned businesses in the Quinte region.

BizQuest Quinte is a brand new video contest for locally-owned businesses located in Belleville, Quinte West, Stirling-Rawdon, Tyendinaga Township, Tyendinaga MBQ and Deseronto.

Enter the BizQuest Quinte video contest for your chance to win cash and prizes. BizQuest Quinte wants to hear about your business in a short video. Over $25,000 in prizes to be awarded (see contest details).

This online platform will showcase businesses in three categories – Start, Grow, and Thrive.

Video submissions will be accepted from January 14, 2021 to February 4, 2021.

A panel of community volunteers will judge all submissions and select 5 finalists for each of the three categories.

The public will vote for 1 winner in each category. Voting will begin on February 18, 2021 and end on March 4, 2021.  A total of 3 winners will be awarded, one in each of the three categories.

Winners will be announced at a presentation event on March 9, 2021.

For more details, please visit or email


Trenval Business Development Corporation
Belleville Chamber of Commerce
PostMedia (Belleville Intelligencer, Trentonian, and Community Press)
David Chatten Law
Mr Print
Prime Focus Productions
Wilkinson & Co LLP and Wilkinson Financial Services
Lot48 Film Co - Smartphone Video Formula
Quinte West Chamber of Commerce
Quinte Photo Studio

Government of Ontario announces the New Ontario Small Business Support Grant


The government recognizes that small businesses impacted by these necessary public health measures (the provincewide shutdown from December 26, 2020 to January 22, 2021) will require additional support so they can continue serving their communities and employing people in Ontario once the COVID-19 pandemic is over. That is why the government is announcing the new Ontario Small Business Support Grant, which will provide a minimum of $10,000 and up to $20,000 to eligible small business owners to help navigate this challenging period.

"Ontario's business owners have shown remarkable resolve and ingenuity throughout the pandemic. They know better than anyone what they need to come through this very difficult time, so they can continue to serve and employ people in their communities," said Rod Phillips, Minister of Finance. "The new Ontario Small Business Support Grant will provide significant financial support to eligible small business owners in addition to the other supports made available to our small business community."

See the Deseronto Business Resources Page for more details on the grant.

Deseronto COVID-19 Response page.

Social Media Intro - Online workshop - August 19, 2020.

Introduction to Social Media for Small Business Owners

Wed, Aug 19, 2020 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Simple steps to get a better ROI (return on investment) using social media.

Topics discussed are:

·  Which platforms are best for your small business? (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest & LinkedIn)

·  How small businesses can use social media to build better customer support/relationships, PR and Admin

·  Practical: Optimizing your pages for support and admin, Building online relationships & Strategy for PR campaigns

Registration link:



Safety Insights for Business - Upcoming Webinar

Safety Insights for Businesses during COVID-19

Thu, Aug 6, 2020 11:00 AM to 12 PM

COVID-19 has created unique challenges for workplaces.

The public health issues resulting from dealing with the general public during a pandemic has changed the way that business must be done, while highlighting new challenges to protect the health and safety of workers and customers. Join Vicky Waldick from WSPS for an informative discussion about tips for how your business can prepare to get back to work safely in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.


New Funding Available to Women Led Businesses - Eastern Ontario

Recent News from Trenval highlights a new program for women—led businesses.

Up to $2 million available across Eastern Ontario, including Ottawa and Kingston,  for non-repayable contributions of up to $5000 to assist women-led businesses to Rebuild-Reopen-Revive (R3).

Highlights from eligible activities…should support the reopening, rebuilding and revival of applicant’s business, such as:

  • Acquisition of required/mandated Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

  • Workspace reconfiguration to accommodate physical distancing

  • Hardware/software upgrades to enhance online capacity, client servicing and accessibility.

Expected high volume/high demand.  Suggest move early on application. 

For further information and on-line application you can refer them to 

Trenval - Business Branding During a Pandemic

Wed, Jun 24, 2020 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Learn how to stand out with your businesses brand during the pandemic.

Topics discussed are:

  • Branding during a pandemic (How to use your time wisely and not waste others time on your feed)

  • WHO are you, WHO is your business, WHAT is your voice & messaging

  • Creating a brand not just a business

  • Inclusive branding (support local, collaboration over competition, LGBTQ, black lives matter)

  • Multi-platform branding with constancy


Trenval Presents Two New Webinars in Support of Business

COVID-19 Return to the Workplace: Employer Preparedness

Topics of discussion

  • Occupational health and Safety considerations for covid-19 (employer duties)

  • Ensuring a safe and healthy workplace

  • Requests/demands to not return to work

  • Human Rights Considerations (Family Status & Disability)

  • Dealing with requests for vacation (time permitting)

  • Q&A




Learn how PARO’s Peer Lending Circles can provide support and an alternative form of funding for women-owned  businesses.

PARO has been in the business of micro financing and mentorship through Peer Lending Circles for 25 years.

  • What PARO is all about?

  • What a peer lending circle is?

  • How it works and how to start a peer lending circle?

  • What the advantages of peer lending circles are?

  • Mini-case studies of peer lending circles

Presented by:

Cathy Ireland is a Business Growth Advisor for PARO. She is a seasoned business development professional with over 25 years of experience.

Nefry Falla joined PARO in May 2017, as the Marketing and Communications Offer and is currently fulfilling the role of PARO Circle Coordinator and Business Counsellor.


More information on Regional Relief and Recovery Fund

Hastings County offers Business Support

Coming together to stay strong.

Hastings County has many business supports -

  1. Submit your business profile on the new “Open for Business” interactive business map. SUBMIT PROFILE

  2. The time period for completion of the Business Impact During Covid-19 Survey #2 has been extended to Friday May 15th at 5pm. SURVEY

  3. Participate in the Dream ON micro-campaign - use these hashtags, #wildlyauthentic #DreamOn on Facebook and Instagram and share your story.

  4. Join the Hastings County Facebook Business and Community Group

  5. Every Wednesday is #TakeoutWednesday - tell us what your local restaurants are serving for takeout.

Hastings County also offers educational webinars.
May 14th 10am-12pm How to Put Your Store Online with Shopify Webinar REGISTER
May 15th 10am-12pm Digital Marketing 101 Webinar with Kasama REGISTER

For all Town of Deseronto advisories to our Business Community see The Town of Deseronto Business Resources Page

For a Deseronto Business, please see The Town of Deseronto Business Directory