Canada Day Fireworks
Canada Day and Fireworks at Dusk
Grab your family, friends, blankets & lawn chairs and join us at dusk for a fantastic fireworks display on the Bay of Quinte.
View at Mill Street South or Centennial Park.
Grab your family, friends, blankets & lawn chairs and join us at dusk for a fantastic fireworks display on the Bay of Quinte.
View at Mill Street South or Centennial Park.
7 am - 10:30 am - Pancake Breakfast hosted by Deseronto Fire Department ($10.00/adults * $5.00/children 5-12 * $2.00/under 5)
9 am - 10 am - FREE Public Skating; Brought to you by MPP Ric Bresee
10 am - 11 pm - Free Pick-Up Hockey with Sr. A Deseronto Bulldogs (ages 5-12)
10:30 am - 11am - Adult Fitness Class (upstairs)
11 am - Noon - Free Pick-Up Hockey with Sr. A Deseronto Bulldogs (ages 13-18)
11:30 am - Noon - Adult Fitness Class (upstairs)
Noon - 1pm - Magician Rob Driscoll
1 pm - 2 pm - Display of Remote Piloted Aircraft Over Ice Surface; courtesy of Deseronto Royal Flying Club This event has been cancelled by the DRFC.
1 pm - 3 pm - Horse Drawn Wagon Rides
2 pm - 3 pm - Crafts, Balloons & Family Photos hosted by Deseronto Public Library
2 pm - 4 pm - FREE Public Skating
Visits from Sparky the Fire Dog
Static Display of DRFC’s Radio Controlled Aircraft in lobby
For more information, contact: 613-396-2440 or gmaracle@deseronto.ca
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
7 am - 10 am - Pancake Breakfast hosted by Deseronto Fire Department ($10.00/adults * $5.00/children 5-12 * $2.00/under 5)
9 am - 11 am - FREE Public Skating
11 am - 12 pm - Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo, Nature’s Ninjas
12 pm - 1:30 pm - Display of Remote Piloted Aircraft Over Ice Surface
1 pm - 2 pm - Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo, Diversity of Living Things
1 pm - 4 pm - Horse Drawn Wagon Rides
2 pm - 4 pm - FREE Public Skating
The canteen will open at 11 am
For more information, contact: 613-396-2440 or gmaracle@deseronto.ca
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Free Public Skating at the Deseronto Community Centre on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm and on Sundays from 2-3 pm.
For more information contact:
Deseronto Community Centre
51 Mechanic St. Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0
Don’t miss the Town Tree Lighting Ceremony and Refreshments (courtesy of Deseronto Public Library) following the parade in Rathbun Park.
Food Bank donations will be collected along the parade route. The assistance of volunteers is needed for the collection of donations.
Join in the fun & enter a float! Download the registration form or contact the Town Hall at 613-396-2440 or gmaracle@deseronto.ca for float or volunteer inquiries.
Mill Street south
Bring your blankets/chairs & bug spray to view at Mill Street South or Centennial Park
Come out and enjoy the end of summer!
August 28, 2021 - At Dusk
Bottom of Mill Street and Arctic Gardens Lot
On 22 February Stand Strong, Stand up and Stand Together for peacebuilding!
The theme for World Thinking Day 2021 is peacebuilding.
Peacebuilding is at the heart of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting and is as vital and relevant today as for the last 100 years. By completing the steps in the Stand Together For Peace activity pack, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts will; Stand Strong, Stand up and Stand Together for peacebuilding.
We want you to be part of this!
The Town of Deseronto is rich in Heritage.
Deseronto was founded on Loyalist, Mohawk, military, and industrial roots, which has contributed significantly to its history and continues to both define and be embraced by the Town today.
Deseronto’s history as a settlement can be traced back to the period just after the American War of Independence when the British Government obtained grants of lands on the north side of Lake Ontario from the Mississauga people.
Deseronto was incorporated as a Town in 1889. By the 1890s it was home to 4,000 people, many of whom worked in the Rathbun Company’s concerns, which included a sash and door factory, shipyard, railway car works, terra cotta factory, flour mill, gas works, and chemical works.
Deseronto’s Loyalist, Mohawk, and industrial heritage continue to influence the town. Our heritage is celebrated through the preservation and commemoration of historic buildings, events, sites, and documents and through activities to enhance awareness and appreciation of our past.
Are you looking for additional information regarding Deseronto’s unique history? If so, contact Community Archives of Belleville and Hastings County http://cabhc.ca/.
Deseronto Heritage Opens in new tab.
This year, due to the COVID-19 lockdowns and other related restrictions on gatherings, the Town of Deseronto is not planning any in-person activities for Family Day, Monday, February 15th, 2021.
We are planning on getting the community engaged in events that you can participate in on your own initiative, on Monday, February 15, 2021.
COVID Statement: Watching birds is a safe and enjoyable activity we can do during the Covid pandemic. For the 2021 Great Backyard Bird Count, we strongly urge participants to comply with all current country, province, state, or municipal Covid-19 regulations and guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to, social distancing while birdwatching and wearing a mask when birding with others. Thank you for protecting yourself and your community while celebrating the wonders of birds.
Birds are everywhere, all the time, doing fascinating things. Join us, February 12–15, 2021, when the world comes together for the love of birds.
Watch observation lists roll in from around the world. Each submitted checklist becomes a glowing light on our bird sightings map.
Great Backyard Bird Count results from 2020:
268,674 Estimated Participants
27,270,156 Total Birds Counted
6,942 Species of Birds Identified
194 Countries
Mourning Dove by Ostdrossel/Project FeederWatch.
The Great Backyard Bird Count uses eBird, one of the world’s largest nature databases. It stores more than 100 million bird sightings contributed each year and is used by professionals for science and conservation. Contribute to eBird and become a citizen scientist.
New to the Great Backyard Bird Count or to using eBird? Explore our How to Participate on options for entering your bird lists.
Enter Your Bird List Into eBird
Use these resources to encourage your friends, neighbors, and community to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count.
Enjoy these special downloadable posters. Put them up at schools, libraries and other organizations in your community. They can also be used on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other social media channels to tell your connections about the Great Backyard Bird Count. Be sure to link the images to our website: www.birdcount.org. These gorgeous images are...
Enjoy these special downloadable square images you can use on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other social media channels to tell your connections about the Great Backyard Bird Count. Be sure to link the images to our website: www.birdcount.org. These gorgeous images are a great way to inspire people to get outside and bird. All images...
Presenting to a group about the Great Backyard Bird Count? Feel free to share this presentation with friends, family, or at a community event. The slideshow explains each step for participating in the count and features beautiful images from Great Backyard Bird Count participants. Presentation (PDF) Presentation (Powerpoint) If you feel like you would benefit from having a...
Download, print, or send our news release to local media outlets or organizations to spread the word about this special international bird count. Please encourage reporters to use images from our social media page for their stories. Or, media outlets can contact the names below for other high-resolution images to use. The 2021 press release will...
To our residents: The Town of Deseronto is pleased to be taking part in the Hearts for Healthcare initiative, which recognizes and shows appreciation to the frontline healthcare workers during the pandemic. We are encouraging residents to hang a heart in their front windows, doors, or yards in support.
As our Warden Rick Phillips states: "Throughout this crisis, we have been witness to the extraordinary efforts of our healthcare workers as they battled against COVID-19," says Warden Rick Phillips, Hastings County. "Hastings County Council has marveled at the strength, dedication and personal sacrifice people have shown daily. We owe them a debt that cannot be repaid and whether they work in our long-term care homes, paramedic services, hospitals, doctors' offices or cared for us in our homes they deserve to be recognized for the true heroes they are," stated Phillips.
The heart design can be downloaded at http://quintewest.site/Hearts where it can be printed and decorated, or you can create your own. Participants are encouraged to take pictures of their decorated hearts and submit them to https://pollunit.com/polls/heartsforhealthcare where others can view and leave positive comments in the spirit of celebrating everyone in the healthcare field.
Let's all use our voice to thank and encourage our healthcare workers!http://quintewest.site/Hearts
#WinterWalkDay is February 3, 2021!
Winter Walk Day is celebrated by schools across the province on the first Wednesday of February each year. Walking and wheeling to and from school is fun every day so we encourage you to #JourneyOutside throughout the entire month of February.
A great way to celebrate is by holding an event in your school community. But, that would not be appropriate in light of the ongoing challenges presented by the lingering pandemic. However, we encourage schools to continue to promote walking as a safe, healthy choice for students and families on the journey to school. The activity ideas and resources below can help promote Winter Walk Day in your community.
Share stories about your journey to school during winter by tagging @OntarioAST with hashtags #WinterWalkDay, #JourneyOutside and #WWD2021.
With all the challenges due to the pandemic now, more than ever, Canadians need to be active for their physical and mental health. During the first week of February join with our amazing partners to show all of the ways we can embrace winter and stay active.
Get out and get moving Canada!
READ MORE - open webpage
ACT NOW - open webpage
February is Healthy Heart month.
Check with the Hastings Prince Edward Health Unit for more information all month long.
Hastings Prince Edward Health Unit - open webpage
The Health Unit writes “We made it through January (yeah) and now on to February - Heart Month - a time to bring attention to the importance of cardiovascular health.”
For lots of information on how to stay 'heart' healthy visit: https://heartandstroke.ca
Ontario Community and Social Services
In February we celebrate Black History Month, to remember and honour the contributions that Black Canadians have made throughout our history.
Thursday January 28, 2021 is #BellLetsTalk Day!
Make your actions count by joining in the world’s biggest conversation about #mentalhealth.
Now more than ever, every action counts in moving Canada’s mental health forward.
Join the conversation! https://bit.ly/2Ym6sWN