Expanding Access to Real-Time Data:

  • Enhancements are being made to Ontario.ca/coronavirus; information about the spread of the virus, and public health and health system capacity will now be available on this website, including: local cases by public health unit regions, the total number of cases, resolved cases, deaths, and tests completed and how many are positive. The province will continue to add data sets as they become available, such as sources of outbreaks as a subset of overall cases.

Non Medical Mask advice:

Well-designed and well-fitting masks or face coverings can prevent the spread of your infectious respiratory droplets. They may also help protect you from the infectious respiratory droplets of others. How well a mask or face covering works depends on the materials used, how the mask is made, and most importantly, how well it fits.
A mask or face covering can be homemade or purchased, and should:

  • be made of at least 3 layers

  • 2 layers should be tightly woven material fabric, such as cotton or linen
    the third (middle) layer should be a filter-type fabric, such as non-woven polypropylene fabric
    be large enough to completely and comfortably cover the nose, mouth and chin without gaping
    allow for easy breathing

  • fit securely to the head with ties or ear loops

  • be comfortable and not require frequent adjustments

  • be changed as soon as possible if damp or dirty

  • maintain its shape after washing and drying

    Filters add an extra layer of protection against COVID-19 by trapping small infectious particles. Consider wearing a mask that includes a filter or filter material as one of its layers, such as:
    non-woven polypropylene fabric, which can be found as:
    a craft fabric
    the non-woven fabric that's used to make some reusable shopping bags
    a disposable filter inserted into a pocket on the mask

    Reusable masks with a non-woven filter layer should be washed daily, and can be washed multiple times. Disposable filters should be changed daily or as directed by the manufacturer.

For more information on COVID see: https://www.deseronto.ca/covid19-response