COVID-19 Vaccine Pop-Up Clinic - February 10, 2022
Come out to the Deseronto Public Library from 10 am to 4:00 pm to get your shot:
Ages 5 and over
First, second doses and booster doses*
No Appointment necessary
Bring your health card (if available)
*Booster doses for ages 18 and over only
COVID-19 Vaccine Pop-Up Clinic - October 15
COVID-19 Vaccine Pop-Up Clinic
Provincial Vaccination Booking Site Open for those 80 years of age and older.
Starting today, Monday, March 15, 2021, all those 80 years of age and older are eligible to book a vaccine appointment through the new provincial booking site.
If you are unable to book online you can contact the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-888-999-6488 (8 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
An important message from the Hastings Prince Edward Public Health Unit
Wondering when your age group is eligible for COVID-19 vaccine?
Please read this statement from our public health partners before giving them a call.
If you are over 60, you can also register to be notified when your age group becomes eligible in our region.
Any questions? Please contact Hastings Prince Edward Public Health.
Monday to Friday : 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 613-966-5500
Toll-Free: 1-800-267-2803
Fax: 613-966-9418
TTY: 711 or 1-800-267-6511
COVID-19 Vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccine Weekly Update
While open clinics for age-based eligibility are not yet available in our region, individuals waiting for age-based clinics can register to receive notification when their age group becomes eligible. Please avoid contacting HPEPH to inquire if your age group is eligible to ensure our phone lines remain available to those who need them most.
HPEPH’s COVID-19 Vaccine Roll Out Plan will help facilitate the efficient and effective delivery of the COVID-19 vaccines in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties and aligns with the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan. As part of our effort to ensure transparent information sharing with all partners and the public, we will be providing a vaccination status update each week.
Please note: We are working to deliver vaccinations to groups eligible as part of Phase 1, and are not currently taking appointments for COVID-19 vaccine immunizations from the general public.
Many people are calling to ask when we are vaccinating their age group. We are currently offering vaccine to eligible groups who have been contacted directly by HPEPH or their workplace.
In order to keep our phone lines free for those who are currently eligible, please do NOT contact us to inquire about vaccinations unless you have been invited to participate.
Our local plan is adjusted anytime new direction is received from the province.
A daily update of that have been administered by HPEPH staff can be viewed on our COVID 19 Dashboard.
Media Release: Hastings Prince Edward Region Moves to Yellow – Protect Level
Hastings and Prince Edward Counties/November 27, 2020
Today, the Government of Ontario placed Hastings Prince Edward Public Health (HPEPH) region in the The Yellow – Protect level of the Keeping Ontario Safe & Open COVID response framework. With 27 new cases being reported in the region over the past 7 days, the local incidence rate of COVID-19 cases is 16.0 per 100,000 people. The incidence rate demonstrates how quickly rates of the virus are increasing in the region.
Strengthened public health measures will come into effect in our region on Monday, November 30, at 12:01 a.m. These measures include limited hours of operations for certain settings, reduced recreational program sizes, additional enforcement and fines, and enhanced education in high-risk settings.
“It is crucial that we protect our vulnerable populations and our health care system capacity,” says Dr. Piotr Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health and CEO at Hastings Prince Edward Public Health (HPEPH). “The level of transmission in our region has increased quickly over the past week, requiring additional preventative measures. To avoid further restrictions, I ask all residents to redouble their efforts at this critical time. Please continue to ask yourself: ‘What can I do to reduce my risk of exposure and help limit the spread of COVID-19? What can I do to protect my family, friends and community?’”
HPEPH recommends all residents practice five fundamental actions to protect themselves and others:
Stay home when ill, as directed by provincial assessment tools;
Always physical distance with those outside your household;
Wear a mask or face covering in public spaces, as well as when physical distancing is difficult or not possible;
Wash your hands often, and clean frequently touched surfaces;
Get tested if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19.
In addition, HPEPH asks that all individuals respect requests to avoid non-essential travel and stay as close to home as possible. This is especially important when considering travel to and from regions with higher rates of COVID-19 transmission. HPEPH understands that it can be discouraging to witness increased rates of the virus in our region. Be kind to one another as we work together to stop the spread.
HPEPH continues to work closely with area businesses and organizations to provide support and answer questions. For detailed information about key changes that will come into effect when HPEC moves from the Green-Prevent to Yellow-Protect category, please see the attached Fact Sheet or visit
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health Notice
Notice from the Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health unit
In order to help protect the health of everyone in our region, and to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the Medical Officer of Health for Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health, Dr. Piotr Oglaza, is requesting that we avoid any unnecessary travel to other regions of the province whenever possible.
We urge everyone in our municipality to follow Dr. Oglaza’s advice as we do our part to keep our municipality and our region in the green zone!
For more information regarding Covid 19 and the local response please visit
Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Website
or call
HPEPH COVID-19 information line at 613-966-5500 / 1-800-267-2803.
Expanding Access to Real-Time Data:
Enhancements are being made to; information about the spread of the virus, and public health and health system capacity will now be available on this website, including: local cases by public health unit regions, the total number of cases, resolved cases, deaths, and tests completed and how many are positive. The province will continue to add data sets as they become available, such as sources of outbreaks as a subset of overall cases.
Non Medical Mask advice:
Well-designed and well-fitting masks or face coverings can prevent the spread of your infectious respiratory droplets. They may also help protect you from the infectious respiratory droplets of others. How well a mask or face covering works depends on the materials used, how the mask is made, and most importantly, how well it fits.
A mask or face covering can be homemade or purchased, and should:
be made of at least 3 layers
2 layers should be tightly woven material fabric, such as cotton or linen
the third (middle) layer should be a filter-type fabric, such as non-woven polypropylene fabric
be large enough to completely and comfortably cover the nose, mouth and chin without gaping
allow for easy breathingfit securely to the head with ties or ear loops
be comfortable and not require frequent adjustments
be changed as soon as possible if damp or dirty
maintain its shape after washing and drying
Filters add an extra layer of protection against COVID-19 by trapping small infectious particles. Consider wearing a mask that includes a filter or filter material as one of its layers, such as:
non-woven polypropylene fabric, which can be found as:
a craft fabric
the non-woven fabric that's used to make some reusable shopping bags
a disposable filter inserted into a pocket on the mask
Reusable masks with a non-woven filter layer should be washed daily, and can be washed multiple times. Disposable filters should be changed daily or as directed by the manufacturer.
For more information on COVID see:
Face Coverings Required Effective 1200 Noon July 10, 2020
Effective 12 Noon on July 10, 2020, face coverings are required within all businesses/commercial establishments operating in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.
The Acting Medical Officer of Health is instructing owners and operators of commercial establishments in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties, currently operating under Stage 2 of the provincial reopening to have policies in place to stop people from entering the establishment if they are not wearing a non-medical mask or face covering.
For More Information See Hastings Prince Edward Health Unit Web Page