May 2 begins Emergency Preparedness Week.

This year Emergency Preparedness week is May 2-8, 2021.

Emergency Preparedness Week is an annual national preparedness campaign focused on encouraging and promoting emergency preparedness to the residents of Canada.

This year the theme is Emergency Preparedness: Be Ready for Anything.  The intent of this theme is to encourage all Canadians to be prepared for a wide range of emergencies they may face in their communities. 

Throughout the week we will be providing you with information that you can use to prepare yourself and your family in the event of an emergency.  Creating a family emergency plan, building an emergency survival kit and staying informed are some ways you can be prepared. 

Canada is currently facing its biggest public health emergency in decades as Canadians continue to battle against the COVID-19 virus.  The Ontario government enacted a provincial stay at home order along with additional measures intended to protect the public heath system capacity.  Please continue to follow all public heath advice in order to keep ourselves and loved ones safe and stop the spread of COVID-19.

Further information regarding on how to prepare you and your family for an emergency can be found on our website here.

Please follow our Facebook page or Twitter account for more information throughout the week.