Emergency Preparedness: Be Ready for Anything

May 2 begins Emergency Preparedness Week.

Emergency Preparedness: Be Ready for Anything

The first step in preparing for an emergency is to have a plan.  A household emergency plan will help you learn what situations you need to plan for; how to reach family members; safe locations for evacuation; and emergency numbers, to name a few. 

Emergencies happen quickly and with little warning. It is important to think about what you would do in different situations and the best ways to prepare for those situations. Reviewing your plan with family members is important so that each family member knows what to do in an emergency. 

Hastings County has prepared an emergency preparedness guide that can be found here.  This guide can help you get prepared in the event of an emergency.

The Ontario Emergency Management Office has this online emergency plan template that can be accessed here.

The Government of Canada also has an online template or a downloadable template that you can access here.  They also have a short video you can watch on how to best create your plan.